Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Progress on the migration continues: as of today, 51% of our web sites have been migrated and are live in EchoCI. Later this week, this number will jump to 65%. 

Our analysis shows that remaining 50 sites (remaining 35% of all sites) fall into the following categories:
  • 25 sites (50%) should be low-hanging fruit, resulting in easy and fast migration, and will be scheduled first should be scheduled first.
  • 25 sites (50%) are difficult edge cases, because of technical reasons (such use of Collage components or use of custom web template designs) or the large amount of content in specific folders (such as those belonging to Student Affairs or IT) 
Completion of the migration is anticipated to occur towards the end of summer 2011; it is most likely that it will be completed before the start of fall 2011 classes. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

As the spring 2011 semester draws to a close, the Web Services team continues to make good progress. Here are some updated statistics on our migration efforts:

  • 40% (58) of the web sites identified to be migrated have now been moved into EchoCI
  • 57 users have attended training workshops for the use of EchoCI

Within the next 2 weeks, we estimate that we will approach 65% completion of the migration. The last 20% of the work will represent most of the edge cases, i.e., complex sites that will be most laborious to migrate.

We'll keep you apprised of our continued progress.